miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2009

Data pre-processing - Normalization

Dogra, Shaillay K., "Normalization." From QSARWorld--A Strand Life Sciences Web Resource.


Most of the computed descriptors differ in the scales in which their values lie. One may need to normalize them before proceeding with further statistical analysis. This mostly depends on the subsequent Machine Learning algorithms that one wants to run on the data.

Algorithms like Decision Trees, Regression Forest, Decision Forest and Naïve Bayes do not require normalized data as input. For Linear Regression, normalization is a recommended step. For Neural Networks – classification or regression, Support Vector Machines – classification or regression, normalization of data is required.

In context of cheminformatics, a standard way to normalize data is by mean shifting and auto-scaling. This makes the mean of a thus transformed descriptor column as 0 and the standard deviation as 1.

Mean Shifting

Most of the computed descriptors differ in the scales in which their values lie. One may thus want to normalize them before proceeding with further statistical analysis. As part of normalization, each value for a given descriptor (all values in a column) is adjusted or shifted by the mean value. As a result, the new mean value becomes 0. This happens for all the descriptors and they thus now have the same mean value 0. Hence, mean, as a measure of central location of the distribution of values, for all the descriptors, is now the same. However, the 'spread' or the 'variation' in the data, about the mean, is still the same as in the original data. This can now be taken care of by scaling the values with the standard deviation.

This is best illustrated with an example. Consider these numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. The total of these numbers is 15 and the mean is 3. Adjusting each value by the mean value gives the transformed numbers as: -2, -1, 0, 1, and 2. The new total is 0 and thus the new mean is 0. However, note that the standard deviation is still the same as original (√2). This can now be taken care of by scaling the values with standard deviation in order to make the new standard deviation as 1.


For a given set of values, the standard deviation can be made to be unit by scaling (dividing) all the values by the original standard deviation. This is a standard step in normalization of data.

Say, the values are - 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The standard deviation is √2. Now, dividing each value by the standard deviation gives us the transformed data as - 1/√2, √2, 3/√2, 2√2 and 5/√2. The new standard deviation for this set of values is 1.

(The above principle is better demonstrated algebraically).

A value x belonging to a distribution with mean 'x_mean' and standard deviation 's' can be transformed to a standard score, or z-score, in the following manner:

z = (x - x_mean)/s

The mean of standard scores is zero. When values are standardized, the units in which they are expressed are equal to the standard deviation, s. For the standardized scores, the standard deviation becomes 1. (Variance is also 1). The interpretation of the standard-score of a given value is in terms of the number of standard deviations the value is above or below the mean (of the distribution of standardized scores).

So, the standardization of a set of values involves two steps. First, the mean is subtracted from every value, which shifts the central location of the distribution to 0. Then the thus mean-shifted values are divided by the standard deviation, s. This now makes the standard deviation as 1.

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